Algebra – Strategies to Denest Nested Radicals $\sqrt{a+b\sqrt{c}}$


I have recently read some passage about nested radicals, I'm deeply impressed by them. Simple nested radicals $\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}$,$\sqrt{3-2\sqrt{2}}$ which the later can be denested into $1-\sqrt{2}$. This may be able to see through easily, but how can we denest such a complicated one $\sqrt{61-24\sqrt{5}}(=4-3\sqrt{5})$? And Is there any ways to judge if a radical in $\sqrt{a+b\sqrt{c}}$ form can be denested?

Mr. Srinivasa Ramanujan even suggested some CRAZY nested radicals such as:
Amazing, these all can be denested. I believe there must be some strategies to denest them, but I don't know how.

I'm a just a beginner, can anyone give me some ideas? Thank you.

Best Answer

There do exist general denesting algorithms employing Galois theory, but for the simple case of quadratic algebraic numbers we can employ a simple rule that I discovered as a teenager.

Simple Denesting Rule $\rm \ \ \color{blue}{subtract\ out}\ \sqrt{norm}\:,\ \ then\ \ \color{brown}{divide\ out}\ \sqrt{trace} $

Recall $\rm\: w = a + b\sqrt{n}\: $ has norm $\rm =\: w\:\cdot\: w' = (a + b\sqrt{n})\ \cdot\: (a - b\sqrt{n})\ =\: a^2 - n\, b^2 $

and, $ $ furthermore, $\rm\ w\:$ has $ $ trace $\rm\: =\: w+w' = (a + b\sqrt{n}) + (a - b\sqrt{n})\: =\: 2a$

Here $\:61-24\sqrt{5}\:$ has norm $= 29^2.\:$ $\rm\, \color{blue}{subtracting\ out}\ \sqrt{norm}\ = 29\ $ yields $\ 32-24\sqrt{5}\:$

and this has $\rm\ \sqrt{trace}\: =\: 8,\ \ thus,\ \ \ \color{brown}{dividing \ it \ out}\, $ of this yields the sqrt: $\,\pm( 4\,-\,3\sqrt{5}).$

See here for a simple proof of the rule, and see here for many examples of its use.