[Math] Stochastic Process Examples


I was wondering if people could give me examples of how stochastic processes are seen and used in research in real life.

Best Answer

Of course you have many application in "real life" problems, since all the motivation about the probability theory is to modeling this kind of problems.

You have stock markets applications how Brady Trainor said but not only this.

Stochastic process can be used to model the number of people or information data (computational network, p2p etc) in a queue over time where you suppose for example that the number of persons or information arrives is a poisson process.

Also in biology you have applications in evolutive ecology theory with birth-death process. In neuroscience, considering noise perturbations of ionic and chemical potential in neurons membrane.

In game theory, when you work with differential games for instance, which are a general framework for modeling many different "real word" problems in economy, computer science and others.

In optimisation and control of systems (stochastic control theory), were you typically model your uncertainty about the system interaction with the environment by stochastic process. Just to try to make it more concrete, automatic systems in general like for example the autopilot for cars ( you can obviously extend it for any other vehicle from mini robots to space shuttles)

In physics, more precisely in statistical physics formalisme and in complex systems.

It's just to try to give you a better idea about some possible applications and of course it's not an exhaustive list. I expect it can guide you for your research on the web.