[Math] Steady periodic solution to $x”+2x’+4x=9\sin(t)$

calculusordinary differential equations

Find the steady periodic solution to the differential equation

in the form
$x_{sp}(t)=C\cos(\omega t−\alpha)$, with $C > 0$ and $0\le\alpha<2\pi$.

I don't know how to begin. First of all, what is a steady periodic solution? And how would I begin solving this problem?

Best Answer

To a differential equation you have two types of solutions to consider: homogeneous and inhomogeneous solutions. The first is the solution to the equation $$x''+2x'+4x=0$$ Taking the tried and true approach of method of characteristics then assuming that $x~e^{rt}$ we have: $$r^2+2r+4=0 \rightarrow (r-r_-)(r-r+)=0 \rightarrow r=r_{\pm}$$ $$r_{\pm}=\frac{-2 \pm \sqrt{4-16}}{2}= -1\pm i \sqrt{3}$$ We see that the homogeneous solution then has the form of decaying periodic functions: $$x_{homogeneous}= Ae^{(-1+ i \sqrt{3})t}+ Be^{(-1- i \sqrt{3})t}=(Ae^{i \sqrt{3}t}+ Be^{- i \sqrt{3}t})e^{-t}$$ Again, these are periodic since we have $e^{i\omega t}$, but they are not steady state solutions as they decay proportional to $e^{-t}$.

The other part of the solution to this equation is then the solution that satisfies the original equation: $$D[x_{inhomogeneous}]= f(t)$$

Upon inspection you can say that this solution must take the form of $Acos(\omega t) + Bsin(\omega t)$. That is because the RHS, f(t), is of the form $sin(\omega t)$. You then need to plug in your expected solution and equate terms in order to determine an appropriate A and B. Once you do this you can then use trig identities to re-write these in terms of c, $\omega$, and $\alpha$.