Combinatorics – Stars and Bars Problem


How many 4 digit numbers have a sum of 9?

I converted that into:
How many ways can you rearrange 3 stars and 9 bars?
But the first one has to be a number so it's actually:
How many ways can you rearrange 3 stars and 8 bars?
I can convert it but I forgot how to solve the stars and bars problem? Can someone explain how to solve a converted stars and bars problem without giving me the answer to this question? Thanks.

Best Answer

If a four-digit number has a digit sum of $9$, then you can consider $9$ stars and $3$ bars, like you say. This means there are $12$ total slots, and choosing the $3$ slots in which the bars go is sufficient for counting the number of ways to arrange them. This is the binomial coefficient $$\binom{12}{3}$$

But we've overcounted (as you noticed), so we need to subtract the number of numbers that we counted that started with zeroes. These are exactly the three-digit numbers (including those with leading zeroes) whose digit sum is nine. We can convert this to $9$ stars and $2$ bars, so our final answer should be


You can also do this problem the way you did it, with $8$ stars and $3$ bars. Why is the answer the same if you do it this way? In other words, why is this true?


Can you generalize it? After thinking about this you might want to read about Pascal's rule.

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