[Math] Standard logic notation in mathematics


My profesor is always complaining that my proofs are very long and difficult to read because I never use notation, meaning I say everything in words. Tired of that I decided to study logic by myself and develop my proofs by using the methods of logic. The problem to me now is that I don't know exactly the point of being pedantic in writing everything in symbols of logic and writing in words. For example I don't know if it's ok or how to simplify my logic statement

$\forall X\forall Y(X\in Cam(R)\wedge Y\in Cam(R)\wedge (X,Y)\in R\longleftrightarrow (F(X),F(Y))\in S)$.

or for example if it's the case of having a lot of quantifiers like

$\forall X \forall Y \forall Z(Z\in \mathbb{N} \wedge Y\in \mathbb{N} \wedge Z\in \mathbb{N}\wedge \phi(X,Y)\longrightarrow \psi(X,Z))\wedge Z>Y)$

Also I always see that, when doing deductions, people write things like

$\phi(X)\longrightarrow \psi(X)$

$\longrightarrow \psi_{1}(X)$

$\longrightarrow \psi_{2}(X)$



$\longrightarrow \psi_{n}(X)$

$\therefore \psi_{n}(X)$

This means we suppose $\phi$. Then we get $\psi$. This implies $\psi_{1}$ . Then this implies $\psi_{2}$, and then it implies $\psi_{3}$… etc.

So, basically what I need is "tips" (the more,the better) to develop my proofs in a more or less standard way, just like you would do in your tests or the way you would write your proof on the blackboard, or to hand in your homework, etc. (If you know a book, a paper, or something that might help me with this I will be very gratefull).

Best Answer

It’s possible that your proofs are too wordy and don’t use enough notation, but even if that’s true, what you’re proposing here is not the solution: arguments expressed almost entirely in formal logical notation are at least as hard to read as arguments that drown the reader in verbiage. Of course you want to be sure that what you write is correct, but after that the most important thing is saying it clearly. Generally that requires a well-chosen mixture of symbols and words; the ideal mixture is different for different people, but for most people both extremes are hard to read. Here’s an example, modified from an earlier question, of three ways of defining a certain function:

  1. Define a function $f$ by $$f:\wp(\Bbb N)\setminus\{\varnothing\}\to\Bbb N \\ x\mapsto y \owns y\in x\land\forall z:z\in x\to z\geq y\;.$$

  2. Define a function $f$ by $$f:\wp(\Bbb N)\setminus\{\varnothing\}\to\Bbb N:x\mapsto\min x\;.$$

  3. Given a nonempty set $A$ of natural numbers, denote its least element by $f(A)$.

The first is horrible to read. The second is much clearer and would be appropriate wherever a concise but readable definition is wanted. And the third, though by far the most wordy, is instantly clear. I would never use the first; the choice between the second and third would depend on the context and the intended audience. When writing for your professor, for instance, you might want to lean towards the second version.

Besides tending to make mathematics hard to read, excessive use of formal notation can get in the way of thinking about a problem. For a possible example of this phenomenon, see this question and my answer to it.

Please note that I do not mean to deny the possibility that you really are muddying things by using words when symbols would be preferable: a version of the quadratic formula and its derivation that used no mathematical symbols would be extremely hard to follow.

Because judgement of readability is highly subjective, it’s very difficult to give concrete, objective advice. The best that I can suggest is to pay attention to the way proofs are written in textbooks; you’ll find considerable variation, but in general it will be within the range of acceptable practice, especially in your more advanced courses.

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