[Math] Standard Deviation and Mean using Chebyshev’s Theorem

meanspercentagesstandard deviationstatistics

Find the standard deviation and mean when The sale prices of 88.9% of the homes in a certain neighborhood were between \$438,572 and \$189,992.

From Chebyshev's theorem it is known that 88.9% is 3 standard deviations(k) from the mean.

(mean+kstd dev ) = upper bound
std dev ) = lower bound

I was going to use the Upper and Lower Bound equation to find the inverse so I can get the mean but I am missing the standard deviation that goes with the mean. I don't know any other way to try and solve this

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best Answer


So let $m,s$ be mean and std dev, you have $k=3$ and your equations yield $$ m + 3s = 438572\\ m - 3s = 189992 $$ Can you solve 2 equations for 2 unknowns?

HINT 2 What happens when you add the equations to each other?