[Math] Stamp Problem Homework

discrete mathematics

Suppose that you have a large supply of $3$ and $7$ cent stamps. Write a recurrence relation and initial conditions for the number $S_n$ of different ways in which n cents worth of stamps can be attached to an envelope if the order in which the stamps are attached does matter.

Best Answer

The ordered case, as previously noted, satisfies the recurrence $$S_{\mathrm{ord}}(n)=S_{\mathrm{ord}}(n-3)+S_{\mathrm{ord}}(n-7).$$

For the unordered case, I give the following hint:

Hint (since this is flagged as homework): We can adjust this recurrence to account for the "order is not important" by adding in a correction term to account for overcounting. So, we have $$S(n)=S(n-3)+S(n-7)-[???].$$ There's quite an elegant reason for this, and I don't want to spoil this for you.

The initial conditions are merely bookkeeping (they can be counted by hand, once you know the depth of the recurrence).