[Math] Stability of fixed points for a differential equation

dynamical systemsfixed-point-theorems

Consider the differential equation $x'=x^2-9$

a. find the stability type of each fixed point

To find the fixed points, I set this equal to $0$, right? Would someone mind explaining why I do this? I don't really understand the concept.

So I get the fixed point as being $x=3$ and $x=-3$.

Checking the stability:

For $x=3$:
$x=2$ results in $-5$ (left)
$x=4$ results in $7$ (right)


For $x=-3$:
$x=-4$ is positive (left)
$x=-2$ is negative (right)


How do I determine their stability exactly?

b. sketch the phase portrait on the line

c. Sketch the graph of $x(t)=ϕ(t;x_0)$ in the $(t,x)$-plane for several representative initial conditions $x_0$.

Best Answer

To find the fixed points, we set $x' = 0$ and solve, yielding:

$$x' = x^2 -9 = 0 \implies x_{1,2} = \pm~3$$

To test stability, you can follow Paul's Online Notes, by picking values around the critical points and noting the sign of the derivative $x'$.

If we draw a phase line, we get (note that $+3$ is unstable and $-3$ is stable):

enter image description here

If we draw a direction field plot and then superimpose solution curves on it, we have (compare the two critical points to the phase line and look at each (purple) solution curve):

enter image description here

Note, for the solution curves (the direction field plot shows many examples), you can take several examples for different ICs, for example (just as the plot shows).

$$x' = x^2 - 9, x(0) = 1 \implies x(t) = \dfrac{6-3 e^{6 t}}{e^{6 t}+2}$$

What happens to $x(t)$ as $t$ approaches infinity? It approaches $-3$.