Calculus – Proving S ? T Implies inf T ? inf S ? sup S ? sup T


Let $S$ and $T$ be nonempty bounded subsets of $\mathbb{R}$ with $S\subseteq T$. How do I prove that $\inf T\leq\inf S\leq\sup S\leq \sup T$?

Best Answer

$S\subseteq T$ means every member of $S$ is a member of $T$.

$a = \inf S$ means $a$ is the largest lower bound of $S$, so it's $\le$ every member of $S$ and $\ge$ all other lower bounds of $S$.

If a number $b$ is $\le$ every member of $T$, and every member of $S$ is a member of $T$, then $b$ is $\le$ every member of $S$. Therefore $\inf T$ is $\le$ every member of $S$. Therefore $\inf T$ is a lower bound of $S$. Therefore $\inf T$ is $\le$ the largest lower bound of $S$. In other words $\inf T\le \inf S$.

A similar argument shows $\sup T\ge\sup S$.

The statement that $\inf S\le \sup S$ is true only if $S\ne\varnothing$. If $S\ne\varnothing$, then there exists $s\in S$. And we must then have $\inf S\le s\le\sup S$.

The fact that if $S\subseteq T$ then $\inf S\ge\inf T$ shows that $\inf\varnothing\ge$ all other "inf"s, so $\inf\varnothing=\infty$. Similarly $\sup\varnothing=-\infty$.

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