[Math] Square vs non-square tensors

linear algebraphysicstensorsvector-spaces

In mathematics, tensors are objects that operates on vector space.
In physics or engineering, tensors usually operates on one vector space and its dual space:

$V^{*} \times V^{*} \times V^{*} \times \dots \times V \times V \times V \times \dots$

leading to a notation where $n$ is the number of contravariant indexes, and $m$ the number of covariant indexes. And that's fine. For order-2 tensors, it leads to a square matrix notation, for order-3 it leads to cubic multimatrix notations…

But mathematically, I think that a tensor can operates over different spaces likes:
$U \times V \times W \times \dots$
with $U$, $V$ and $W$ vector spaces that may have different numbers of dimensions leading to non-square tensors.

I have several questions:

  1. Are the previous statements true?
  2. Do you confirm that covariance and contravariance does not have any sense for non-square tensors?
  3. As tensors that operates on one vector space and its dual space are a sort of special case of non-square tensors, do they have a particular name? (for example like a ring is a semiring with the additional property that its additive group is an Abelian group)
  4. Is there any use of non-square tensors in physics or engineering?

Best Answer

The word tensor is often abused. Firstly, a tensor is simply an element of the tensor product of some vector spaces or bimodules or something. In this sense, of course there are non-square tensors. For example an element of $V\otimes_k W$ would be called a tensor, for any $k$-vector spaces $V$ and $W$. But the words covariant and contravariant don't have any meaning here.

Secondly (and this is more closely aligned with the topic of your question), tensor might also mean a tensor (in the first sense above) valued function on a manifold. For example, let $T_p M$ denote the tangent space to a smooth manifold at the point $p\in M$. A tensor can mean a choice of element $Z_p\in T_pM\otimes \cdots \otimes T_pM \otimes (T_pM)^\ast\otimes \cdots\otimes (T_pM)^\ast$ for each point $p\in M$, which depends differentiably on $p$. For example vector fields are tensors in this sense. The words covariant and contravariant have their origins here in how the coordinates of $Z$ behave with respect to coordinate transformations on $M$.

For a "non-square" tensor of this type, one especially important example is the second fundamental form. If $M^k$ is a Riemannian manifold isometrically immeresed in some Riemannian manifold $N^{k+n}$, then the second fundamental form is roughly this: for a point $p\in M$ and a pair of tangent vectors $v,w\in T_pM\subset T_pN$, there is a normal vector $S_p(v,w)\in (T_pM)^\perp$ which is something like a second derivative (hence measures curvature). Since $S_p$ chews on two tangent vectors and spits out a normal vector, we can think of $S_p$ as an element of $(T_pM)^\perp\otimes (T_pM)^\ast\otimes (T_pM)^\ast$. This $S$ is a very important non-square tensor (dimensions $n\times k\times k$)!

For a more precise response to your questions:

  1. Not really. Tensors don't really act on anything. However $\operatorname{End}(V)\cong V\otimes V^\ast$, so operators can be thought of tensors, but not usually vice versa. A tensor usually just means an element of a tensor product of vector spaces (mathematician) or as a tensor valued function (physicist).

  2. I would say this is right. Without any context there's no reason to call an element of $V\otimes W^\ast$ a tensor of type $(1,1)$ or $(2,0)$, or whatever. These notions are undefined in general.

  3. No.

  4. Yes! See above.

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