[Math] Splitting sum into two sums


Assuming that $f$ is a multiplicative arithmetic function. Let $n_1,n_2\in \mathbb{N}$ with $gcd(n_1,n_2)=1$. Consider the sum
$$\large S=\sum_{a\mid n_1n_2}f(a).$$

Can I split the sum $S$ into two parts, one over divisors of $n_1$ and the second over divisors of $n_2$?.


Best Answer

Denote the set of divisors of $n$ by $D(n)$. Then since $n_1$ and $n_2$ are coprime there is a bijection $D(n_1) \times D(n_2) \to D(n_1n_2)$ given by $(a,b) \mapsto ab$. It follows that $$ S = \sum_{x \in D(n_1n_2)} f(x) = \sum_{a \in D(n_1)} \sum_{b \in D(n_2)} f(ab) = \sum_{a \mid n_1} \sum_{b \mid n_2} f(a)f(b) = \sum_{a \mid n_1} f(a) \sum_{b \mid n_2} f(b). $$ We have $f(ab)=f(a)f(b)$ since $a$ and $b$ are coprime for $a \in D(n_1)$, $b \in D(n_2)$.

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