[Math] Splitting field of cyclotomic polynomials over $\mathbb{F}_2$.


Let $\Phi_5$ be the 5th cyclotomic polynomial and $\Phi_7$ the 7th. These polynomials are defined like this:
\Phi_n(X) = \prod_{\zeta\in\mathbb{C}^\ast:\ \text{order}(\zeta)=n} (X-\zeta)\qquad\in\mathbb{Z}[X]
I want to calculate the splitting field of $\Phi_5$ and the splitting field of $\Phi_7$ over $\mathbb{F}_2$. In $\mathbb{F}_2[X]$ we have
\Phi_5(X) = X^4 + X^3 + X^2+X+1
\Phi_7(X) = (X^3+X+1)(X^3+X^2+1)
My question is: what are the splitting fields of the polynomials? I already know it should be of the form $\mathbb{F}_{2^k}$ for some $k\in\mathbb N$. Also the degree of every irreducible factor of a cyclotomic polynomial in $\mathbb{F}_q[X]$ is equal to the order of $q\in(\mathbb{Z}/n\ \mathbb{Z})^\ast$, assuming $(q,n)=1$.

Best Answer

Since we want the degree of an irreducible factor to be equal to one, we want $$ \text{order} (2^k) =1 $$ in $(\mathbb{Z} / 5\mathbb{Z})^\ast$. The only element with this order is 1. Therefore we search the smallest $k$ such that $2^k\equiv 1\mod 5$. A bit puzzzling gives us $$ 2^1=2\\ 2^2=4\\ 2^3=8=3\\ 2^4=16=1. $$ Therefore the splitting field of $\Phi_5$ should be $\mathbb{F}_{2^4}$.

Is this correct?