[Math] Spherical harmonics give all the irreducible representations of $SO(3)$

harmonic-analysisrepresentation-theoryspecial functionsspherical harmonics

It is mentioned in Wiki that the spaces $\mathcal{H}_{k}$ of spherical harmonics of degree $k$ give ALL the irreducible representations of $SO(3)$. Could anyone tell me where can I find the proof? Thanks!

EDIT: I am seeking for an elementary proof that dose not require too many big machineries in representation theory.

Best Answer

The proof is rather simple, just calculate characters (for rotations around OZ, since the axis does not affect the character) , and, using orthogonality theorem, note that all Fourier series coefficient for any other character are zero. But functions $\cos (l*\phi) (l - n)$, (where $n$ is an integer) form a complete set on $<0, \pi>$, so there are no more irreducible, unequivocal representations of $SO(3)$.