Functional Analysis – Spectrum of Right Shift Operator on l^2(Z)


Consider the right shift operator on $\ell^2(\mathbb{Z})$. Is there a way of calculating (well, showing what it is since I already know it's $z$ s.t $|z| = 1$) its spectrum without reference to it being unitary and with just basic linear operator and spectral theory? How about if I assume that it exists and use the vector with zero everywhere except the 0th position, where it is 1? (If you don't understand that, ignore it)

Best Answer

If $\delta$ is that vector you mentioned and $S$ is your shift, then for any $z$ with $|z| = 1$ and positive integer $n$, let $v = \sum_{j=0}^n z^j S^{-j} \delta$. Compare $\|S v - z v\|$ to $\|v\|$ to see that $z$ is in the spectrum. On the other hand, if $|z| > 1$ or $|z| < 1$ you can construct $(S - z I)^{-1}$ using geometric series (different ones in those two cases).