[Math] Spectrum of doubly stochastic matrices

eigenvalues-eigenvectorslinear algebramatricesstochastic-matrices

Let $M$ be a doubly stochastic matrix in which every entry is strictly positive. Prove that for any eigenvalue $\lambda$ we have $\lambda \neq 1 \implies |\lambda|< 1$ and the geometric and algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalue $1$ are the same.

I'm sure this is trivial, but I can't see it! Thanks.

Best Answer

Hint: try to define an appropriate norm on the matrix so that it is 1 for every doubly stochastic matrix and use the usual equation Av=pv.Now apply norm on this eqn and derive the fact that |p|<1 or you can use the spectral radius formula to directly get the result.1 is the largest eigenvalue so by perron-frobenius theorem,every other eigenvalue has absolute value strictly less than 1