[Math] Spectrum of an operator vs spectrum of a matrix


The spectrum of a bounded operator is a generalisation of the set of eigenvalues of a matrix. If $T$ is a bounded operator and $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $T$, then $\lambda$ is an element of the spectrum of $T$.

The spectrum of a matrix is the set of its eigenvalues. If $T$ is a bounded linear operator over a finite-dimensional vector space, then its spectrum equals the set of its eigenvalues. This does not always hold in the case of infinite-dimensional spaces, consider for example the shift operator on $l^2(\mathbb{Z})$.

I was wondering, what can we say about the relation between the set of eigenvalues of a bounded operator $T$ and its spectrum, when the bounded operator $T$ is a matrix? Do we have to make a distinction between finite-dimensional matrices and infinite-dimensional matrices?

In other words: are the definitions "spectrum of a bounded operator" and "spectrum of a matrix" compatible?

Best Answer

The definition of eigenvalue is about operators. We use it on matrices because we can see them as operators. I say this because the definition of eigenvalue survives similarity, which means it is independent of basis, and thus it is independent of the form of the operator as a matrix.

Namely, if $Ax=\lambda x$, then for any invertible $S$ we have $(SAS^{-1})Sx=\lambda Sx$. So if $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $A$, it is also an eigenvalue of $SAS^{-1}$, so it is still an eigenvalue of $A$ in any basis.

In infinite dimension things change, first as you mention because the useful notion of spectrum goes beyond that of eigenvalue. Second, because there is no immediate way to define the notion of eigenvalue of an infinite matrix other than as an operator (i.e., $Ax=\lambda x$). There is no general infinite-dimensional analog of $\det (A-\lambda I)=0$.