Group Theory – Examples of Virtually Cyclic Groups


The only virtually cyclic groups (ie. groups containing $\mathbb{Z}$ as subgroup of finite index) I really know are : the groups $F \times \mathbb{Z}$, where $F$ is a finite group, and the infinite dihedral group $D_{\infty}$ (isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}_2 \ast \mathbb{Z}_2$).

But all these groups are finitely presented, just-infinite (ie. their proper quotients are finite) and residually finite (ie. for all element $g$, there exists a morphism $\varphi$ onto a finite group such that $\varphi(g) \neq 1$).

So I am looking for examples of virtually cyclic groups without one of these properties. I only know that there exists a virtually abelian group not just-infinite but without having an explicit example.

As other virtually abelian groups, there is also the generalized dihedral groups $\text{Dih}(G)$ where $G$ is an infinite finitely generated abelian group, but I don't know them really. Are they virtually cyclic ?

NB: The groups I consider are finitely generated.

Best Answer

The existing answer is restricted to virtually-cyclic groups, but more general things can be said: Finite presentability and residual finiteness are both preserved when moving from finite index subgroups to the big group. That is, suppose $H$ is a finite index subgroup of $G$. Then,

  • If $H$ is finitely presentable then so is $G$. This can be proven using covering spaces.

  • If $H$ is residually finite then so is $G$. The way to prove this is to remember that a group $T$ is residually finite if for each $x\in T$ there exists a subgroup $K_x$ of finite index in $T$ such that $x\not\in K_x$. So, suppose $x\in G$ and we shall find such a finite index subgroup of $G$. if $x\not\in H$ then we are done, by taking $K_x=H$, while if $x\in H$ then there exists some $K_x\in H$ such that $x\not\in K_x$ and $K_x$ has finite index in $H$. As $K_x$ has finite index in $H$ it also has finite index in $G$, as required.

Therefore, every virtually-cyclic subgroup is both finitely presentable and residually finite. So the groups you are looking for do not exist!

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