Solving x^2 = 17 mod 128 – Number Theory Techniques

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmetic

I'm attempring to solve a congruence $x^2 \equiv 17\pmod{128}$ but not quite sure how to go about it. I see that $128 = 2^7$, but the Chinese Remainder Theorem doesn't apply to $\gcd > 1$. I found one solution quite easily by finding solutiong to $x^2 \equiv\pmod{32}$ which was $x \equiv 23\pmod{32}$ and it turned out that $23 + 128x_0 \equiv 17\pmod{128}$. How do I find the other solution ans what's the proper way of doing it?

Best Answer

$x^2\equiv17\pmod{128}\implies x^2\equiv17\pmod{16}\equiv1$


we need $8a+1\equiv17\pmod{16}\implies a$ must be even $=2b$(say)

Again, $x^2\equiv17\pmod{128}\implies x^2\equiv17\pmod{32}$

Now $(8b+1)^2\equiv16b+1\pmod{32},$ we need $16b+1\equiv17\pmod{32}\implies b=2c+1$


Again, $x^2\equiv17\pmod{128}\implies x^2\equiv17\pmod{64}$

and $(16c+9)^2\equiv288c+81\pmod{64}\equiv32c+17$

For $(16c+9)^2\equiv17\pmod{64},c=2d$


Now $(32d+9)^2\equiv576d+81\equiv64d+81\pmod{128}$

We need $\displaystyle64d+81\equiv17\pmod{128}$ $\iff64d\equiv-64\pmod{128}\iff d\equiv-1\pmod2\implies d=2e-1$


Similarly start with $4a-1$ to get $x\equiv23\pmod{64}$

That these are the two exclusive in-congruent solutions can be verified as follows:




As $\dfrac{x+23}2-\dfrac{x-23}2=23$ is odd, so, they must be of opposite parity

If $32\mid\dfrac{x-23}2,x\equiv23\pmod{64}$

and $\cdots$

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