[Math] Solving the integral of a Modified Bessel function of the second kind

calculusspecial functions

I would like to find the answer for the following integral

$$\int x\ln(x)K_0(x) dx $$

where $K_0(x)$ is the modified Bessel function of the second kind and $\ln(x)$ is the natural-log. Do you have any ideas how to find?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Use integration by parts and the fact that $\int x K_0(x)dx = -x \frac{d}{dx}K_0(x)=-xK'_0(x)$

$$ \int x\ln(x)K_0(x)\,dx = -x\ln(x)K'_0(x) - \int (-x K'_0(x))(\frac{1}{x}) \, dx =\dots. $$