[Math] Solving the domain and range of a region satisfying two inequalities

functionsinequalitylinear algebra

The question I was provided was:

"Find the domain and range of the region satisfied by the following inequalities:
i) $y \ge (x-1)^2$
ii)$y \le2x+1$

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Would you recommend graphing or solving algebraically?

Best Answer

I am giving you a very basic way to find out the regions graphically. For $$y\ge(x-1)^2$$ Note that $y=(x-1)^2$ is a polynomial which has $\mathbb R$ as domain and obviously $\mathbb R_{\ge 0}$ as its range. To find out what that inequality tells you, you can pick two points in and out of the region the parabola made in $\mathbb R^2$. As you see $P$ is in and $Q$ is out with respect the parabola. Now satisfy the coordinates of $P$ into the inequality. You see $$(1/2-1)^2=1/4$$ and it is smaller than $2$. The same for $Q$ tells us $$(3-1)^2=4$$ is greater than $1$. So, the desired region satisfying $$y\ge(x-1)^2$$ is the parabola an the region which is enclosed by it.

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