[Math] Solving recurrences of the form $T(n)=aT(n/a)+Θ(nlgn)$


On pages 95 and 96 of the third edition of the CLRS book, we find
the following, which applies here since $a=b$ is all
it takes to block the application of the Master Theorem: "Although
$n\lg n$ is asymptotically larger than n, it is not polynomially
larger because the ratio $\tfrac{n\lg n}{n}=\lg n$ is asymptotically
less than $n^{\epsilon}$ for any positive constant $\epsilon$. Consequently,
the recurrence falls into the gap between case 2 and case 3." For a solution, the authors send us to exercise 4.6.2 on page 106:

"Show that if $f\left(n\right)=\Theta\left(n^{\log_{b}a}\lg^{k}n\right)$,
where $k\geq0$, then the master recurrence has solution $T\left(n\right)=\Theta\left(n^{\log_{b}a}\lg^{k+1}n\right)$.
For simplicity, confine your analysis to exact powers of b."

(Here $\lg^k n$ is CLRS's notation for $(\log_2 n)^k$.)

This is where I am starting to have problems…

Best Answer

Since this question is asked frequently I will try to work out a solution for generic positive integers $a$ where $a\ge 2$.

Suppose we have $T(0)=0$ and $$T(1)=T(2)=\ldots =T(a-1)=1$$ and for $n\ge a$ $$T(n) = a T(\lfloor n/a \rfloor) + n \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor.$$

Furthermore let the base $a$ representation of $n$ be $$n = \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} d_k a^k.$$

Then we can unroll the recurrence to obtain the following exact formula for $n\ge a$ $$T(n) = a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} a^j \times (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) \times \sum_{k=j}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} d_k a^{k-j}.$$

Now to get an upper bound consider a string consisting of the digit $a-1$ to obtain $$T(n) \le a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} a^j \times (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) \times \sum_{k=j}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} (a-1) \times a^{k-j}.$$

This simplifies to $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} a^j \times (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) \times (a-1) \sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor-j} a^k$$ which is $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} a^j \times (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) (a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor + 1 -j} -1)$$ which turns into $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) (a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor + 1} - a^j).$$ The sum produces four terms.

The first is $$\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor^2 a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor + 1}.$$ The second is $$- \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor \frac{a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor}-1}{a-1}.$$ The third is $$- \frac{1}{2} a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor + 1} (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1) \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor$$ and the fourth is $$\frac{1}{(a-1)^2} \left(a + a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor (a-1) -a)\right).$$

This bound represented by these four terms plus the leading term is actually attained and cannot be improved upon. For the asymptotics we only need the dominant term, which is $$\left(a - \frac{1}{2} a \right) \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor^2 a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} = \frac{1}{2} a \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor^2 a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor}.$$

Now for the lower bound, which occurs with a one digit followed by zeroes to give $$T(n) \ge a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} a^j \times (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) \times a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor-j}.$$ This simplifies to $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j) \times a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor}$$ which is $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} \sum_{j=0}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor -1} (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor - j)$$ which finally produces $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} \sum_{j=1}^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} j$$ or $$a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} + \frac{1}{2} \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor (\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor +1) a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor}.$$ The dominant term here is $$\frac{1}{2} \lfloor \log_a n \rfloor^2 a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor}.$$

Joining the dominant terms of the upper and the lower bound we obtain the asymptotics $$\color{#00A}{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor^2 \times a^{\lfloor \log_a n \rfloor} \in \Theta\left((\log_a n)^2 \times a^{\log_a n}\right) = \Theta\left((\log n)^2 \times n\right)}.$$

This MSE link has a series of similar calculations.

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