[Math] Solving line integral without using Green’s theorem

calculusdefinite integralsgreen's theoremintegrationproof-verification

Good morning everyone, I am a new user here and I have the following problem that I am dealing with since yesterday but I cannot find the correct answer. Here is the problem

$$\oint_C (x^2-2xy)dx+(x^2y+3)dy$$
where $C$ is the closed curve of the region bounded by $y^2=8x$ and $x=2$.

Okay, using Green’s theorem, I got
$$\oint_C (x^2-2xy)dx+(x^2y+3)dy=\int_{-4}^4\int_{y^2/8}^{2}(2xy+2x)dxdy=\frac{128}{5}$$
but without using the theorem, I got

The the region bounded by $y^2=8x$ and $x=2$ intersect at $(2,-4)$ and $(2,4)$, hence

The line integral along $x=2$ equals
and the line integral along $y^2=8x$ equals
So, where is my mistake? Could someone here help me out? Thanks for your comments and answers, appreciate it.

Best Answer

Use parametrisation. That is the trick to do line integral problems.
Take $y=t$ and $x=\frac{t^2}{8}$ in Path- I and $x=2,dx=0$ in Path-II
enter image description here
So your line integral $$\oint=\oint_{I}+\oint_{II}$$
Now $$\oint_1=\int_{4}^{-4}[(\frac{t^4}{64}-\frac{t^3}{4})\cdot \frac{t}{4}dt+(\frac{t^5}{64}+3)dt]$$ $$=\int_{4}^{-4}[(\frac{t^5}{256}-\frac{t^4}{16}+\frac{t^5}{64}+3)dt]$$ $$=[-\frac{t^5}{64}]_{4}^{-4}$$ since the other functions are odd functions, so their integrals are $0$ $$=\frac{128}{5}$$ And $$\oint_2=\int_{-4}^{4}(4y+3)dy$$ $$=0$$ since the function is odd.

So your answer is $\oint=\frac{128}{5}$