[Math] Solving a triangle given two side lengths and the measure of a non-included angle


Let's say given an angle A = 46 °, side a = 2.29 and b = 2.71

I figured that the angle B = 58.4 by saying:

$$B = \sin^{-1} \left(\frac{ 2.71 \sin{46^{\circ}}}{2.29}\right)=58.4^{\circ}$$

But I think that angle C is incorrect:

$$C = \sin^{-1} \left(\frac{2.29 \sin{58.4^{\circ}}}{2.71}\right)=46.03^{\circ}$$

Someone who can help me? what do I do wrong and how should it be done?

Best Answer

While the other answers have covered the basic use of the Law of Sines, they've all missed a critical point: there are two triangles that fit your given information. Here is the triangle you've found:

basic LoS solution triangle

But, when you're solve $\sin B=\frac{b\sin A}{a}$, there are two solutions that could be angles in a triangle, $B_1=\arcsin\left(\frac{b\sin A}{a}\right)$ (the one you found) and $B_2=180°-\arcsin\left(\frac{b\sin A}{a}\right)$. Using this second possible measure for $B$ won't always yield a triangle, but in this case it does:

LoS solution triangle from the supplement

Here are both triangles pictured together:

the two LoS solution triangles

This issue with the Law of Sines, sometimes called the "ambiguous case," is almost certainly what the picture in your question here is about.

See also my answer here on general techniques for triangle-solving.