[Math] Solving a system of ODE (3 equations) using runge-kutta method order 4 – Matlab


$$x' = \lambda – \rho x – \beta xz \\
y' = \beta xz – \delta y \\
z' = py – cz$$

$x_0=43100, y_0 = 0, z_0 = 0.0033$

$\lambda = 388, \rho = 0.009, \beta =3.61e-8, \delta = 0.18, p = 50000, c = 23. $

my code is as follows:

f = @(t,x) [388-0.009*x(1)-0.0000000361*x(1)*x(3); 0.0000000361*x(1)*x(3) - 0.18*x(2); 50000*x(3) - 23*x(3)];
tspan = 0:7:84;
[t,xa] = ode45(f,tspan,[43100 0 0.0033]);

The code keeps running without any result or termination. So I have tried using ode23s and ode15s but I get a number of warning messages like

In ode23s (line 379) Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly
scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 7.484584e-246. Warning:
Failure at t=7.014056e+00. Unable to meet integration tolerances
without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed
(2.491893e-14) at time t.

I am wondering if my code is incorrect? Please help!

Best Answer

After trying to re-scale your system I've just found a little typo in your code in a last component of f(t,x). Now everything is working, but if you want you can use my version of your code, it looks different, but after all all the changes just minor.

lambda = 388;
rho = 0.009;

f = @(t,x) [lambda-rho*x(1)-beta*x(1)*x(3); beta*x(1)*x(3) - delta*x(2); p*x(2) - c*x(3)];
tspan = [0,1];
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-1,'AbsTol',[1e-4 1e-4 1e-4]);
[t,xa] = ode45(f,tspan,[43100 0 0.0033],options);
plot(t,xa(:,1),'-'); figure