[Math] solving a basis with two free variables

linear algebra

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I've been trying to solve a basis for this question but nothing seems to be working. I've written the linear system in a matrix which consists of the two equations, put it into reduced row echelon form, found that $z$ and $w$ are free variables. what's next?

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The first equation leads to $x = -y-w$ and the second leads to $x = z-2w$. Then we have $-y-w = z-2w$, so $y = -z+w$

Then $x = z-2w$ and $y = -z+w$. We have two variables $z,w$ that are free, as expected.

So you have a vector $(x,y,z,w)$ and want to write it as a combination of basis vectors. As the equations showed: $(x,y,z,w) = (z-2w,-z+w,z,w) = (1,-1,1,0)z + (-2,1,0,1)w$, hence a basis would be $\{(1,-1,1,0),(-2,1,0,1)\}$

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