[Math] Solving a 6th degree polynomial equation


I have a polynomial equation that arose from a problem I was solving. The equation is as follows:

$$-x^6+x^5+2x^4-2x^3+x^2+2x-1=0 .$$

I need to find $x$, and specifically there should be a real value where $\sqrt3<x<\sqrt{2+\sqrt2}$, in accordance to the problem I am solving. I know that it would be possible for me to find approximations of the roots of the equation, but I would prefer to know the exact value of this specific root (i.e. with the answer as a surd, with nested surds if required). I am unable to do this as I do not know any method of solving polynomials of degree $> 4$.

If this cannot be done, could you tell me an approximate decimal value of $x$, or at least check that a solution exists within the range I have given (it is possible that I made an error earlier in my algebra).

Best Answer

The Rational Root Test shows that the only possible rational solutions are $\pm 1$. Substituting gives that $x = -1$ is one (but $x = 1$ is not), so polynomial long division gives $p(x) = -(x + 1) q(x)$ for some quintic $q$. Substituting $x = -1$ gives that $-1$ is not a root of $q$, so if $q$ factors over $\Bbb Q$, it does so into an irreducible quadratic and an irreducible cubic. One can find such a factorization without too much effort (this is made easier by the fact that the leading and constant coefficients are both $1$): We get $$p(x) = -(x + 1)\underbrace{(x^2 - x + 1)(x^3 - x^2 - 2 x + 1)}_{q(x)} .$$ The discriminant of the quadratic is $-3 < 0$, so the real root you've identified must be a factor of the cubic; since the cubic has no rational roots, one needs to use Cardano's Formula or the equivalent to extract it.