[Math] Solving 3 simultaneous cubic equations

algebra-precalculusnumerical methodspolynomialssystems of equations

I have three equations of the form:


where $L_1,L_2,L_3,K,V_1,V_2,V_3,C$ and $Z_n$ are all known constants.

What methods can I use to obtain the values of $i_1,i_2$ and $i_3$ ?

Best Answer

A numerical way to solve this would be to use the Newton-Raphson method. This method can be extended to 3 dimensions as follows:


Where $J$ is the Jacobian matrix of the system:

$$J= \begin{bmatrix} 3i_1^2L_1+K & Z_n & Z_n \\ Z_n & 3i_2^2L_2+K & Z_n \\ Z_n & Z_n & 3i_3^2L_3+K \\ \end{bmatrix} $$

Choose an initial "guess" $\vec{i_0}$, and repeat this process. Since it's an iterative process, the more times you evaluated it, the closer you get to the solution.