[Math] Solve $x^2=b \mod m$ congruence equations


I would like to solve $x^2=b \mod m$ type of equations.
I have, for example, have to find all $a$ for which $a^2= 3 \mod 11$ and I have a couple of very basic (I'm sorry!) questions

  1. How do I use quadratic reciprocity to prove that this has a

  2. I can see that 5 and 6 are solutions and I think that it suffices to
    try all numbers from 0 to 10 but I do not understand why (can I try
    even less numbers?). If $a$ was not squared I clearly see that the
    numbers from 0 to 10 generate all congruence classes but with the
    square there I do not get all congruence classes for $\pmod {11}$.

  3. Is there a general way to solve this if I have to try more than 11

Sorry for my basic questions and thanks in advance for the answer!

Best Answer

Using quadratic reciporcity:


You can always try only with the elements


as the other elements are negatives of some of the above ones and thus squared...