[Math] Solve the recurrence relation by taking the logarithm of both sides and making the substitution $b_n = \lg a_n$

discrete mathematicslogarithmsrecurrence-relations

Solve this recurrence relation:

$$a_n = \left(\frac{a_{n-2}}{a_{n-1}}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}$$

by taking the logarithm of both sides and making the substitution

$$b_n = \lg a_n$$

A couple years ago I took precalc and a couple years before that I took College Algebra to brush up since before then I'd been out of school for a couple of years already. So I'm extremely rusty and this first step, getting the logarithm of both sides, has me confused enough… Like how would I even get the logarithm of the left side?? and then what exactly is that "substitution" supposed to be substituting?

So log'ing both sides I get

$$\ln(a_{n}) = \frac{1}{2}\ln(a_{n-2}) – \frac{1}{2}\ln(a_{n-1})$$

Thank you Alex below but I still don't get how that translates to the substitution equation given… or how to solve for b..? Sorry… Please help me understand better…

Would b_n =

$$b_{n} = \frac{1}{2}[\ln(a_{n-2})-\ln(a_{n-1})]$$

? Then still, how to solve that…

Best Answer

Remember the properties of the log function: $a \log b = \log b^a$ and $\log \frac{a}{b} = \log a - \log b$. Use it to obtain the recurrence $b_n = \frac{1}{2} b_{n-2} - \frac{1}{2}b_{n-1}$. Then solve it using generating functions or difference equations.

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