[Math] Solve the Linear Congruence Equations.

elementary-number-theorymodular arithmetic

I get so frustrated with modular arithmetic. It seems like every example I look at leaves steps out. I am trying to solve this problem:

Solve the linear congruence equations for x:

$x \equiv 2 \mod 7$

$x \equiv 1 \mod 3$

Ok, so I start

We know that 1st equation has a solution when $7 \mid (x-2)$. So there exists an integer k where $x = 2 + 7k$.

Ok, great. So I substitute into the 2nd equation:

2+7k \equiv 1 \mod 3 \implies \\
7k \equiv -1 \mod 3 \implies \\
7k \equiv 2 \mod 3

Now I need to find an inverse of this last congruence. How do I do that? I know there is one solution because gcd(7,3) = 1. This is the step I'm having problems on. If I can get the solution to $7k \equiv 2 \mod 3$ into the form $k = a + bj$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{N}$ then I know how to solve it.

Thank you.

Best Answer


You have to find the inverse of $7$ mod. $3$. In theory, this will be deduced from a Bézout's relation between $7$ and $3$. However, here, $7\equiv 1\mod 3$, so the modular equation is, really, $$1\cdot k=k\equiv 2\mod 3.$$

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