[Math] Solve the Laplace equation on an annular region

partial differential equations

Solve the Laplace equation on the annular region $$\Omega=\{r_1 < r < r_2\}$$
with boundary conditions given by $$U(r_1,\theta)=C_1,$$ $$U(r_2,\theta)=C_2.$$

$\textbf{Attempt.}$ Since the origin is excluded from the domain, we require the use of the full solution, given by
Now, imposing our boundary conditions gives
Now, since the left hand sides of each expression don't have any sine or cosine terms, we may discard the sum part of each expression giving us
C_1=c_0+d_0\ln(r_1), \tag1
C_2=c_0+d_0\ln(r_2). \tag2
This is just a system of equations that we will solve simultaneously. We rewrite $(1)$ and $(2)$ as
c_0=C_1-d_0\ln (r_1),
c_0=C_2-d_0\ln (r_2).
C_1-d_0\ln(r_1)=C_2-d_0\ln(r_2) \Rightarrow C_1-C_2=d_0(\ln(r_1)-\ln(r_2)),
that is

But it's here that I get a bit stuck as I can't seem to manage to get a succinct solution in the form $U(r,\theta)$ from here as I feel like I have way too many variables.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

There should be a radial solution to this $\theta$ invariant problem. The only radial solutions are of the form $A+B\ln (r)$, and a solution is found once the boundary conditions are met: $$ A+B\ln(r_1)=C_1 \\ A+B\ln(r_2)=C_2. $$ The constant $B$ is determined by $B\ln(r_2/r_1)=C_2-C_1$: $$ B = \frac{C_2-C_1}{\ln(r_2)-\ln(r_1)}. $$ Then $A$ is determined by looking at $r=r_1$ or $r=r_2$: $$ A +\frac{C_2-C_1}{\ln(r_2)-\ln(r_1)}\ln(r_1)=C_1. $$