[Math] Solve the differential equation (if exact): $(5x + 4y)dx + (4x – 8y^3)dy = 0$

ordinary differential equations

I need to test this to see if it is exact. My conclusion is the it is indeed exact because $My = 4 = Nx$. then I integrated $Mdx$ and $Ndy$.

\int Mdx = \int (5x+4y)\, dx = (5/2)x^2 + 4xy +f(y)
$$\int Ndy = \int (4x-8y^3)\, dy = 4xy-2y^4 + g(x)

What am I supposed to conclude in regards to the $4xy$ being present in both equations? Does this mean that my final answer is $$(5/2)x^2 – 2y^4 + 4xy + C = 0$$ or $$(5/2)x^2 – 2y^4 + 8xy + C = 0$$


Best Answer

Here is a rule which almost always works: (You can differentiate the solution to check). Integrate $M$ with respect to $x$ keeping $y$ as a constant and integrate only those terms of $N$ which do not involve $x$ with respect to $y$. Sum the result and equate to a constant.

So as $\displaystyle\int_{y\mbox{ constant}}Mdx=\int(5x+4y)dx=\frac{5x^2}{2}+4xy$, and $\displaystyle\int\mbox{(Terms of $N$ free of $x$) } dy=-8\int y^3dy=-2y^4$ we have $\frac{5x^2}{2}+4xy-2y^4=c$ as the solution.