[Math] Solve equation $8\cos x – 6\sin x = 5$ where $0 \le x \le 360$


Solve equation $8\cos x – 6\sin x = 5$ where $0 \le x \le 360$.

I am not asked to use any form, so I am going to use $k\cos(x-\alpha)$.

$8\cos x – 6\sin x = k\cos(x-\alpha)$

$$=k(\cos x\cos\alpha + \sin x\sin\alpha)$$
$$=k\cos\alpha\cos x + k\sin\alpha\sin x$$

equating coefficients:

$k\cos\alpha = 8$

$k\sin\alpha = 6$, or is it $k\sin\alpha = -6$? I find this really confusing

$k = \sqrt{8^2 + 6^2} = 10$

$\alpha$ is in the 1st quadrant where both sin and cos are positive.

$\alpha = \arctan\frac{6}8 = 36.8^{\circ}$

$\therefore10\cos(x – 36.8) = 5$

I have a maximum and minimum value of 10

From here I do not know how to finish solving for x.

Best Answer

$k\sin\alpha = 6$, or is it $k\sin\alpha = -6$?

It is the latter.

So, having $\tan\alpha=-6/8=-3/4$ gives $\alpha=\arctan(-3/4)\approx -36.9^\circ$.

Hence, for $n\in\mathbb Z$, $$\begin{align}10\cos(x-(-36.9^\circ))=5&\Rightarrow \cos(x+36.9^\circ)=1/2\\&\Rightarrow x+36.9^\circ=\pm 60^\circ+360^\circ n\\&\Rightarrow x=-36.9^\circ\pm 60^\circ+360^\circ n\\&\Rightarrow x=23.1^\circ,\quad 263.1^\circ\end{align}$$ since $0^\circ\le x\le 360^\circ$.

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