[Math] Solutions for a system of congruence equations

chinese remainder theoremcongruenceselementary-number-theorysystems of equations

I have a system

x \equiv 7 \pmod{15} \\
x \equiv 14 \pmod{33}

How can I show that the system does not have any solutions?

I know that the first implies that $x = 7+15k$ and the second implies that $x = 14+33m$ and $\text{gcd}(15,33) = 3$.


Trying to show that another system has no solutions
x \equiv 14 \pmod{98} \\
x \equiv 1 \pmod{28}

I have $\text{gcd}(98,28) = 14$.

From the system I get $x = 14+98k$ which implies that $x \pmod{14} = 0$. From the other congruence equation I get $x = 1+28m$ which implies that $x \pmod{14} = 1$. Therefore the system has no solutions.

But why am I using the trick by finding $x \pmod{\text{gcd}(n_1,n_2)}$ for each congruence equation? Is it just to find a number which can cancel out both $98$ and $28$?

Best Answer

Hint: what is the value of $x$ modulo $3$?

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