[Math] Smooth homotopy


Let $M,N$ be manifolds. Suppose that $f_0, f_1:M\stackrel{C^\infty}\to N$ are homotopic, i.e. there exists a continuous mapping $f:M\times[0,1]\to N$ s.t. $f(x,0)=f_0(x)$, $f(x,1)=f_1(x)$.

Then is there any smooth homotopy $F\in C^\infty(M\times[0,1],N)$ connecting $f_0$ to $f_1$? How to construct it?

Best Answer

Yes. I assume you mean $M$ and $N$ to be manifolds without boundary, though I expect the result is true when they are, too.

This follows from the fact that, given a manifold with (or without) boundary $f: (W, \partial W)$, a manifold without boundary $N$ and a map $(W, \partial W) \to N$ that's smooth on the boundary, $f$ is homotopic to a smooth map by a homotopy that doesn't modify the map on the boundary. This is known as the Whitney approximation theorem; you can find a proof in e.g. Lee's "Introduction to Smooth Manifolds". Simply take $W = M \times I$ and $f = f_t$; then by hypothesis $f|_{\partial W}$ is smooth.

Note that if we take $W = M$, we get that every continuous map is homotopic to a smooth one; so $[M,N]$ and $[M,N]_{\text{smooth}}$ are in bijection. So there's no interesting difference between "continuous" and "smooth" homotopy theory.

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