[Math] Smallest value of N(no. Of people)


For simplicity N peoples, all born in a april (month of 30days) are collected in a room, consider the event of atleast 2 people in the room being born on the same date of month even if in different years eg.1980 and 1985 what is the smallest N so that the probability of this exceeds 0.5 is ?

Ans is 7.

My approach.is
If 1 person born on a different day .then its prob is 1/365

Rest of them born on a same day

May be it is wrong.

But i want to find smallest value of N so.
Should equate 2nd equation to 0.5 ?

I've seen some related problen in this site even after that i dont understand this problem.

I got incorrect ans..by using that concept

Best Answer


Use P(at least $2$ common) = 1 - P(all different)

For all different, first person can be born on any of $30$ days,
but next one has $29$ days available and so on to be on different days.

When will $ 1 - \dfrac{30}{30}\cdot\dfrac{29}{30}\cdot \dfrac{28}{30}....$ become $>0.5$