[Math] Smallest prime factor of a Mersenne number

analytic-number-theorynumber theoryprime numbers

The Mersenne numbers $M_n$ are integers of the form $2^n-1$, where $n$ is a positive integer. In the case when $n$ is a prime, are there any results known on the smallest prime factor, $p_n$, of $M_n$, as a function of $n$? I've seen some papers on the largest prime factor, see here for instance


but nothing yet on smallest. I'm especially interested in knowing whether $p_n \to \infty$ as $n \to \infty$ for $n$ prime? Thank you.

Best Answer

From Wikpedia: "If p is an odd prime, then every prime q that divides $2^p − 1$ must be 1 plus a multiple of 2p"

So the smallest possible number dividing $2^p − 1$ is $2p+1$ which obviously goes to infinity as p does.
