[Math] Size of largest prime factor

analytic-number-theorynumber theoryprime numbers

It is well known and easy to prove that the smallest prime factor of an integer $n$ is at most equal to $\sqrt n$. What can be said about the largest prime factor of $n$, denoted by $P_1(n)$? In particular:

What is the probability that $P_1(n)>\sqrt n$ ?

More generally, what is the expected value of the size of $P_1(n)$, measured by $\frac{\log P_1(n)}{\log n}$ ?

Best Answer

Take the negation and this is a very well-known question: what is the probability that all prime factors of $n$ are $\le \sqrt{n}$? The answer is known quite generally: for any real $u\ge 1$, the probability that the prime factors of $n$ are $\le n^{1/u}$ is given by the Dickman–de Bruijn rho function, defined by a delay-differential equation. For $u=2$ we have $\rho(u) = 1-\log 2$, as in Ross Millikan's answer, but there is a very easy calculation that gives this particular case:

$$\#\{n \le x: P_1(n) > \sqrt{n}\} = \sum_{p} \#\{n \le x, n < p^2: p \mid n\} = \sum_{p\le \sqrt{x}} (p-1) + \sum_{p > \sqrt{x}} \lfloor x/p \rfloor \\ = x \log 2 + O(x/\log x),$$

where the main term comes from Mertens' theorem on $\sum_p {1/p}$ and the error terms can be deduced from the Prime Number Theorem (or Chebyshev's upper bound on $\pi(x)$).

Here, by convention, $p$ is assumed to only take prime values. The reason this is so simple is that no $n$ here can have more than one prime factor $> \sqrt{n}$.

The answer to your second question is known as the Golomb-Dickman constant. Wikipedia gives it as about $0.62433$, but I doubt anything is known about its rationality, say.