[Math] Simulation of 2-dimensional Brownian motion

brownian motionrandomsimulation

I am trying to simulate (for the first time) a 2-dimensional SDE, in Matlab.

$$dX(t)=F(t,X(t))\,dt + \sigma(t,X(t))\,dBt$$

I have no problem using the Euler-Maruyama method in the one dimensional case, but I am not sure if I am correct with the 2-dimensional Brownian motion $B=(B_1,B_2)$.

I need to simulate two sequences $dB_1$ and $dB_2$. Can I just simulate 2 sequences in Matlab $\sqrt{dt}*randn$? Will they be independent ?

I tried to search for tutorials on simulation of two independent Brownian motions. Can you help me with this? What is the easiest way of generating two independent sequences of normally distributed random numbers?

Thank you 🙂

Best Answer

The following code

>> X = cumsum(0.01 * randn(10000,2));
>> plot(X(:,1), X(:,2))
>> axis equal

generates this plot. Adjust parameters to taste.

enter image description here