[Math] Simplifying nested/complex fractions with variables

algebra-precalculusfractionsproblem solving

I have the equation $$x = \frac{y+y}{\frac{y}{70} + \frac{y}{90}} $$ and I need to solve for x. My calculator has already shown me that it's not necessary to know y to solve this equation, but I can't seem to figure it out. This is how I try to solve it:
x = \frac{y+y}{\frac{y}{70} + \frac{y}{90}} = 2y\left(\frac{70}{y} + \frac{90}{y}\right) = 2y\left(\frac{90+70}{y}\right) = 2y\cdot\frac{160}{y} = \frac{320y}{y} = 320
But according to my calculator, this is not correct. The answer should be 78.75, but I don't know why. Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

When manipulating expressions, the most important thing is to think small. Find the smallest part of the expression you can do something with. In this case,


has as the smallest available task add the fractions on the bottom, which gives (only showing that part)

$$\frac{y}{70}+\frac{y}{90}=\frac{90y+70y}{70\cdot 90}=\frac{160y}{6300}=\frac{8y}{315}$$

Putting that back in, we now have

$$\frac{2y}{\left(\frac{8y}{315}\right)}=2y\left(\frac{315}{8y}\right)=\frac{630y}{8y}=\frac{315}{4} \text{for } y\ne 0$$

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