[Math] Simplifying Boolean Function with Karnaugh Maps


Given the boolean function

f(x,y,z) = xyz + xyz' + xy'z + xy'z' + x'yz + x'y'z + x'y'z' (where x' = not x)

In a three variable Karnaugh Map:

   yz   yz'  y'z'  y'z
x  1    1    1     1
x' 1         1     1

The goal is to group the adjacent units and simplifying using the distributive law since y+y' would equal one. This is all good, but when it comes to the above Karnaugh map, which one do I group together? The textbook says, it should be the biggest block but I am a bit confused in terms of what that means.

The final answer after simplification would yield:

x + y' + z

Best Answer

I've marked the groups on the image below. As usual, the value of each group is the variable that remains constant in the group.

Red = x

Blue = y'

Green = z

So the answer is x + y' + z

Karnaugh map

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