[Math] Simplifying Boolean Algebra Expression with 3 variables


Can someone help me simplify this in Boolean algebra? It should be one step at a time so I can understand it. The expression is:

I tried doing this: (it's probably wrong, because I think it should simplify to just z?)

$(x+y+z)(z+(x+x'+y))$ //distributive property

$z+(x+y+1+y)$ //distributive again

$z+x+y+(x+x')$ //+ identity

$z+x+y+x'$ //+ identity (Edit I know this is wrong, x+x' = 1 not 0, my mistake)

$z+y$ //+ identity

I feel this is wrong, because 'y' and not z wouldn't make the initial expression false.

Best Answer

I think this is right:





Can someone confirm this please?