[Math] Simplify the following expression using Boolean Algebra into sum-of-products (SOP) expressions


Simplify the following expression using Boolean Algebra into sum-of-products (SOP) expressions
$Q.S.U + (Q' + S').(R + V) + U.(R + V) + Q' + S.T.U$

$.$ = AND

$+$ = OR

This is what I have so far

$Q.S.U + (Q' + S').(R + V) + U.(R + V) + Q' + S.T.U$

= $Q.S.U + Q'.(R+V) + S'.(R+V) + R.U + U.V + Q' + S.T.U$

= $Q.S.U + Q'.R + Q'.V + S'.R + S'.V + R.U + U.V + Q' + S.T.U$

Are there any more ways to simplify this expression?

Best Answer

Logic Friday 1 came up with:

Q'  + S U  + S' R  + S' V