[Math] Simplex Method gives multiple, unbounded solutions but Graphical Method gives unique soution

linear programmingoperations researchsimplex method

I'm taking an undergraduate course on Linear Programming and we were asked to solve the following problem using the Simplex Method:$$\max:~Z=3x+2y\\\text{subject to}\begin{cases}x+y\le20\\0\le x\le15\\x+3y\le45\\-3x+5y\le60\\y\text{ unrestricted in sign}\end{cases}$$The standard form of the LPP is$$\max:~Z=3x+2m-2n\\\text{subject to}\begin{cases}x+m-n+a=20\\x+b=15\\x+3m-3n+c=45\\-3x+5m-5n+d=60\\x,m,n,a,b,c,d\ge0\end{cases}$$where $y=m-n$. The optimal Simplex tableau was obtained$$\begin{matrix}&&3&2&-2&0&0&0&0\\&\text{Basis}&x&m&n&a&b&c&d&\text{RHS}\\2&m&0&1&-1&1&0&0&-1&5\\0&b&0&0&0&-3&1&0&2&15\\0&c&0&0&0&-5&0&1&8&80\\3&x&1&0&0&0&0&0&1&15\\&\text{Deviations}&0&0&\color{red}0&-2&0&0&-1&Z=55\end{matrix}$$Since all deviations are negative, the stopping criteria is fulfilled. But the deviation corresponding to non-basic $n$ is $0$, so this must be a case of multiple optimal solutions. With $n$ as the entering variable the minimum ratio test fails, which means this is also a case of unbounded solutions.

On solving the same question using Graphical method, I got a unique solution $Z=55$ at $(15,5)$. What is the problem in the Simplex Method?

Graphical Method

Best Answer

In this problem, the non-uniqueness in the simplex method comes from the substitution $y = m-n$: a single value of $y$ can be expressed as $m-n$ in many ways.

To see that this is the only reason for non-uniqueness, we can parametrize the solutions found by the simplex method and find all the possible solutions.

The bottom row of your tableau actually corresponds to the equation $z = 55 - 2a - d$. So we know that we obtain the optimal value of $z=55$ exactly when $a=d=0$.

To make this substitution, we delete the $a$ and $d$ columns from the tableau, and get the system of equations $$ \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ m \\ n \\ b \\ c\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}5 \\ 15 \\ 80 \\ 15\end{bmatrix} $$ which tells us that the optimal solutions are those feasible solutions which have $m-n=5$, $b = 15$, $c = 80$, and $x=15$ (and $a=d=0$).

Since $y = m-n=5$ is fixed, the simplex method confirms that actually there's only one solution $(x,y) = (15,5)$ after we undo this substitution and return to the original formulation of the LP.