[Math] Simplest proof that some number is transcendental


I tried googling for simple proofs that some number is transcendental, sadly I couldn't find any I could understand.

Do any of you guys know a simple transcendentality (if that's a word) proof?

E: What I meant is that I wanted a rather simple proof that some particular number is transcendental ($e$ or $\pi$ would work), not a method to prove that any number is transcendental, sorry for the confusion.

Or even a proof about transcendental numbers being 'as common' as algebraic numbers?

Best Answer

The easiest proof is via Liouville's criterion.

Lemma. Suppose $\alpha$ is an irrational algebraic number. There exist integers $C,n$ such that for all integers $p/q$, $$ \left| \alpha - \frac{p}{q} \right| \geq \frac{C}{q^n}. $$

You can find a proof of the lemma on Wikipedia, and in many other sources. Now consider the number $$ \alpha = \sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{1}{10^{m!}}, $$ sometimes known as Liouville's number. Since the decimal expansion of $\alpha$ is aperiodic, it is irrational. On the other hand, for all $r$ we have $$ \left| \alpha - \frac{\sum_{m=0}^r 10^{r!-m!}}{10^{r!}} \right| \leq \sum_{m=n+1}^\infty \frac{1}{10^{m!}} \leq \sum_{m=r+1}^\infty \frac{1}{10^{(r+1)!+m-(r+1)}} \leq \frac{2}{10^{(r+1)!}}. $$ Since $2/10^{(r+1)!}$ is so much smaller than $10^{r!}$ for large $r$, it is not hard to check that $\alpha$ doesn't satisfy the conclusion of the lemma. Indeed, suppose that it did, for some $C,n$. Then for all $r$ we must have $$ \frac{2}{10^{(r+1)!}} \geq \frac{C}{10^{r!n}} \Longleftrightarrow 10^{r!n} \geq (C/2) 10^{(r+1)!} \Longleftrightarrow 1 \geq (C/2) 10^{r! (r+1-n)}, $$ which fails for large enough $r$.

Since the conclusion of the lemma doesn't hold, one of its premises must be false. Since $\alpha$ is definitely irrational, it must be not algebraic. In other words, $\alpha$ is transcendental.

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