[Math] Simple regular expression for all strings over $\{0,1\}^*$ not ending in $01$

regular expressions

Give a regular expression for the language of all strings over $\{0,1\}^*$
not ending in $01$.

$\in | 0 | 1 | (0|1)^* | (11|00|10)$

The solution above was provided by my professor but I'm not convinced that it is correct. Would the $(0|1)^*$ be any sting over the alphabet $\{0,1\}^* $and therefore could end in $01$. I think that is should be $(0|1)^*(11|00|10)$. Am I correct or am I missing something?

Best Answer

Comment: Yes, you are correct. May be there were a typo.


Draw DFA that accepts all strings over $\{0,1\}^*$ ending with $01$, then complement that DFA. That DFA will be:

enter image description here

Now, you can identify reqular expression of this DFA. Since, there are three final states, So, All strings not ending in $01$:

$$\in + 0 + 1 + (0 + 1)^* (00 + 10 + 11):$$

The expression $\in+0+1$ describes the strings with length zero or one, and the expression $(0 + 1)^*(00 + 10 + 11)$ describes the strings with length two or more.




