[Math] Simple linear regression – understanding given


The question is to fill out the missing numbers (A-L) of a simple linear regression model.
I am having problems with converting and interpreting the given table in terms of variables. Would it be possible for someone to confirm and clarify things for me.

The first table represents regression statistics

True model
Y_t = \beta_o + \beta_1X_t + \mu_t

Estimated model
\hat Y_t = \hat\beta_0 + \hat\beta_1x_t

This is what I am confused about

  • Does the first standard error ($12.8478$) mean $\sum\hat\mu_t^2$ ?
  • Does the standard error for the intercept in last table ($14.6208$) mean $\sum\mu_t^2$ ?
  • Does $3.8508$ equal $\hat\beta_1$ ?
  • In order to calculate RSS (for J) I need $\sum \hat\mu_t^2$ does this confirm that my first two points are incorrect
  • I know $G=\hat\beta_1^2\sum x_t^2$, how do I find $\sum x_t^2$

If I am wrong, would it be possible to know what those numbers mean in terms of variables

Best Answer

Let us first calculate all the unknowns:

D = 1 (as it has only one variable)

E = n-1-1 = 13

F = 15-1 = 14

MSE = (Standard Error of Estimate)^2 = 12.8478^2 = 165.06

So J = 165.06

I/J = F-statistic = 24.15

I = 24.15*165.06 = 3986.34

G = I*k = 3986.34

H = J*(n-k-1) = 165.06*13 = 2145.78

K/14.6208 = 1.3081

K = 19.125

3.8508/L = 4.9146

L = 3.8508/4.9146 = .7835

R-Squared = B = 3986.34/6132.85 = .649

Adj R-Squared =

1-[(n-1)/(n-k-1)*(1-R^2)] = .622

To give explanation

Sum of (Mu-Hat)^2 = Sum of Squared Errors

Standard Esimate of Error = SQRT(MSE)

Mean Squared Error = SSE/(n-k-1)

14.4208 means the Estimated Standard Error of Beta1-hat

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