[Math] Simple criteria for “closed $\Longrightarrow$ exact”


In determining whether a closed form is an exact form, there is a lot of differential geometry definitions etc. that come in. I'm interested: what is the dummy, Calc III version of when closed implies exact? Is it sufficient if the domain is a simply connected smooth region in $\mathbb{R}^n$?

I believe this holds in $\mathbb{R}^3$, i.e. for a simply connected smooth region in $\mathbb{R}^3$, a curl-free $C^1$ vector field is the gradient of some function, and a divergence-free vector field is the curl of some function. (Edit: the second statement is not true.)

Is "simply connected" the magic ingredient in all dimensions?

Best Answer

Simply connected will only ensure that closed one forms are exact. If you delete the origin from $R^3$, there should be a 2-form on this space which is closed but not exact (I think you could write it down by pulling back the volume form of the sphere to $R^3-0$).

In general closed forms will always be exact on contractible spaces.

I would recommend reading a book on de Rham cohomology, such as Bott and Tu, or From Calculus to Cohomology.

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