[Math] Simple cellular homology computation


Here's a very simple cellular homology computation that I'm a little confused about.

Put a CW structure on the closed disc $X=D^{2}$ with two zero-cells $v_{0},v_{1}$, two one-cells $e_{0},e_{1}$ connecting the zero cells, and one two-cell $f$ on the inside. The cellular chain complex would look like $$\cdots0\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}^{2}\rightarrow\mathbb{Z}^{2}\rightarrow0,$$
where the first non-trivial map sends $f\mapsto e_{0}+e_{1}$ by the cellular boundary formula. The map $H_{1}(X^{1},X^{0})\rightarrow H_{0}(X^{0})$ should be the same as the usual boundary map, but how do we know whether $e_{0}\mapsto v_{0}-v_{1}$ or $e_{0}\mapsto v_{1}-v_{0}$? I suspect that it doesn't actually matter, because we're a free basis up to sign, but certainly if $e_{0}\mapsto v_{0}-v_{1}$, then we need $e_{1}\mapsto v_{1}-v_{0}$ to have a chain complex.

Best Answer

See here: the coefficients are the degree of the attaching map. Yes, your last sentence is correct: if $e_0 \mapsto v_0 -v_1$ then $e_1 \mapsto v_1 - v_0$.

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