[Math] Simple applications of complex numbers

complex numberssoft-question

I've been helping a high school student with his complex number homework (algebra, de Moivre's formula, etc.), and we came across the question of the "usefulness" of "imaginary" numbers – If there not real, what are they good for?

Now, the answer is quite obvious to any math/physics/engineering major, but I'm looking for a simple application that doesn't involve to much. The only example I've found so far is the formula for cubic roots applied to $x^3-x=0$, which leads to the real solutions by using $i$.

Ideally I'd like an even simpler example I can use as motivation.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

  1. The fact that $\exp(i(\theta_1+\theta_2))=\exp(i\theta_1)\exp(i\theta_2)$ immediately leads to many trigonometric formulas, including the most basic of $\cos(\theta_1+\theta_2)$ and $\sin(\theta_1+\theta_2)$. Other good examples are $\sin 3\theta,\,\sin 4\theta,$ etc.

  2. The easiest way to find the coordinates of a right polygon with $n$ vertexes is to find $n$ $n$th roots of 1.